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How to: Avoid Buying Dope Property in Tennessee

How to Avoid buying Dope Property in Tennessee

First, ask your realtor, if there are any required disclosures for homes known to house illegal drug manufacturing, sales or use. You’re likely to get a blank look and maybe the question, “Why would you ask that?” 

The reason for asking is the same reason you would want to know if the building had any flooding, mold issues or any other foundational issues. As a buyer or lessee you want to protect yourself and your investment.

No Disclosures: Tennessee Real Estate Laws, and indeed half of the USA’s states, require NO Property Disclosures for Drug Labs, Drug Busts or overdoses including fatalities tied to residential and commercial properties. None.   See Tenn. Code Ann. 66-5-201 et seq.

Note: There is a list maintained by the Drug enforcement Agency (DEA) on Meth Labs by state and county. Unfortunately this list is often out of date and only kept up to date voluntarily by local law enforcement. Homes can be removed from this listing once “cleaned up”. https://www.dea.gov/resource-center/meth-lab-maps.shtml

In truth 0nly a small faction of illegal drug labs are ever discovered and of those the focus has been on primarily on Meth only.

Did you know that for every pound of drugs manufactured 5 to 6 pounds of poisonous chemicals are generated and will likely saturate walls, carpets, ceilings and floors and are frequently dumped outside? The risk is real.

How Do You Avoid Buying a Dope House?

Get the property tested before you buy. The test and inspection is quick and inexpensive. Results are typically available from our lab within 3 to 5 days. Results will indicate a clearance or evidence of narcotic residue. Our sampling and analysis looks for :







•PCP (Phencyclidine, Angel Dust)




•Cocaine Base

Its fast and easy to find out if your property purchase has been contaminated with deadly and disease causing drugs. Keep your family and clients health by scheduling an inspection today.

Call Bob and Volunteer Mold and Indoor Air Quality for an inspection and testing before you wait another day.  

Voted by Knoxville's happiest mold inspection clients a "Knoxville Best" businesses in 2016.

Voted by Knoxville’s Best Mold Inspection company by our clients in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

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